Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What types of work does Hiring Hands offer?
- Hiring Hands specializes in providing skilled labourers to commercial, industrial, and residential job sites and related industries. Depending on employer needs, we have also filled jobs for Project Managers, Superintendents, Estimators, Drivers, Salespersons, Business Managers, and more.
Q: I am unemployed. Can Hiring Hands help me find work?
- Oftentimes, we can help you almost immediately to find good work. We will do our best to get you working depending on our job vacancies at the time of your application.
Q: Are your jobs only temporary? How long is the average job?
- Our jobs are mainly temporary, project based and so you work from the beginning to the end of the project. If the employer wants to hire you after completing an initial three-month probationary period, we make the transition to our employer's payroll go easily and smoothly.
Q: Are there any fees if Hiring Hands finds me a job?
- No. There is never any charge to the employee when working for Hiring Hands.
Q: Are there any specific requirements to work for Hiring Hands?
- We accept skilled and unskilled applicants. However, having safety tickets and relevant training is an asset. The majority of our labour jobs require a valid SCOT ticket.
Q: How do I apply?
- Our application process is simple. Start by getting us your resume by dropping it off at one of our offices, faxing, and/or e-mailing it to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. If you meet our criteria, we will contact you to set up an appointment for a formal interview and intake process. We suggest that you follow up by requesting an interview.
Q: Do I have to accept every job?
- No. If we call to send you to work and you are unable to go, just let us know. You will remain on our dispatch list for future job opportunities.
Q: What is the advantage of being a temporary employee?
- You get an opportunity to work for an employer to see if it is a good fit for you. If you do well and like the work, permanent employment may be a possibility.
Q: How often can I work?
- You are able to work as often or as little as you would like. However, if you are dispatched and accept one of our jobs, our expectation is that you will finish the project or give us adequate notice that you are unable to finish.
Q: How often does Hiring Hands pay?
- Hiring Hands pays on a bi-weekly basis by direct deposit.